ENCON – module 2 sales & marketing : results pre-work survey
Masterclass Business Essentials programma
Clear and used in my BU 3 / 32
Theoretical knowledge, not used in my BU 1 / 32
Vague knowledge, once heard of it 7 / 32
Unknown, never heard of it. 21 / 32
No 8 / 32
1-2 times a year but not actively involved 17 / 32
Customer segmentation is clear and my approach to a project is in line with Encon's positioning. 7 / 32
Unknown 10 / 33
Vague knowledge 11 / 33
Known but not actively used 12 / 33
Known and actively used via product sheet or marketing plan 0 / 33
yes 3 / 31
Not enough 21 / 31
No 7 / 31
Not influential at all 12 / 31
Somewhat influential 16 / 31
Moderately influential 2 / 31
Very influential 1 / 31
Not influential at all 2 / 30
Somewhat influential 12 / 30
Moderately influential 12 / 30
Very influential 4 / 30
No 1 / 30
I would like to, but I don't know how 6 / 30
Too little 13 / 30
Yes 10 / 30
Other 28 / 28
Other 28 / 28
Never 13 / 28
As a student 6 / 28
Junior sales experience (<5 years in sales) 6 / 28
Senior experience in sales (>5 years in sales) 3 / 28
No, unknown 13 / 28
Other 15 / 28
Very familiar 6 / 28
Somewhat familiar 14 / 28
Neutral 1 / 28
Not very well known 4 / 28
Not known at all 3 / 28
Very confident 0 / 28
Confident 17 / 28
Neutral 7 / 28
Not very confident 3 / 28
Not at all confident 1 / 28
Simplifying technical language 4 / 29
Focus on how the product solves customer pain points 16 / 29
Align with industry trends and standards 1 / 29
Using real world examples 7 / 29
Other 1 / 29
No 18 / 26
Other 8 / 26
Other 26 / 26