VAH Consulting is a service provider within Flemish Department of Work & Social Economy.

Good news! VAH Consulting has just obtained the quality registration of the Department of Work & Social Economy of the Flemish government.

What does this mean for you? As your partner in ESF projects and workability check projects, VAH Consulting is ready to support you, receiving grants, which can amount to a maximum of 9,000 euros. In addition, companies and employees can claim Flemish Training Leave (VOV) if the training is included in the training database. The employer receives 21.30 euros per hour, per employee.

Don’t miss this opportunity to evolve your business and develop your employees into talented professionals with the right expertise. Contact VAH Consulting today and we will give you professional advice on subsidies for your company’s training needs.

Source: VAH Consulting – Gauthier Van Assche

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