Deep-selling, a term perhaps less familiar than upselling and cross-selling, but no less powerful for that. What exactly does it entail?

Sales prospecting is a crucial part of the sales process that involves identifying and approaching new potential customers. At VAH Consulting, we believe that successful prospecting starts with the right techniques. Here are some of the most effective methods you can apply, complemented by tips and advice to optimise your efforts.

As a manager within an organisation, you are the key person who sets the direction and shapes the culture. In this role, you are constantly concerned with maximising performance and achieving business objectives. One aspect that is increasingly recognised as crucial to achieving long-term success is diversity within the management team. Many organisations are choosing to establish equality and diversity policies.

Good news! VAH Consulting has just obtained the quality registration of the Department of Work & Social Economy of the Flemish government. What does this mean for you?

Cold calling, often considered a challenging and daunting task, is a vital part of any successful sales strategy. Although technology has introduced various digital marketing methods, the human approach and personal touch of cold calling remain important in building meaningful relationships with potential customers. Motivating your sales team to embrace cold calling and excel in it can significantly impact your organisation’s success.

Motivating (sales) employees with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be an effective way to boost performance and achieve desired results. In doing so, it is important that these new habits are learned and become part of the DNA of the organisation. That way, one creates a new culture.

HALLE – The training and consultancy office based in Halle continues to grow. An Struelens is a new HR expert who will provide Marketing & Sales support for the various trainers. And all digitally (remotely) from Spain.

HALLE – Gauthier Van Assche, zaakvoerder van het Halse consultingbedrijf VAH Consulting, houdt het “Vanop afstand werken in coronatijden” tegen het licht. In onderstaand opiniestuk gaat Gauthier onder andere in op de voordelen van het thuis-of afstandswerk. Voor werkgevers en werknemers. Wat zal er met dat afstandswerk gebeuren eens de coronacrisis definitief bezworen is? 

Gauthier werkt nu meer dan 10 jaar voor Comfort Energy en organiseert er verkoops- en commerciële trainingen. Hij doet er alles aan om de collega’s alle mogelijke productkennis bij te brengen. Ook de commerciële kneepjes van het vak zullen hierbij niet ontbreken.

Is your business impacted by the corona virus? Are you working from home?
Folow these 10 guidelines through your working day.